
These learning experiences have been designed to encourage children to think about the world that they live in and how they can help to make it a happier and healthier place.

Intergenerational Experience


BEGINNER This learning experience links children up to spend valuable time with members of a local residential home, sheltered housing scheme or day centre. The experience can be designed to complement school’s current topic, or may fit into a seasonal theme such as Easter, Christmas etc. This experience is for small groups only such as school council groups. FREE OF CHARGE AS AND WHEN AVAILABLE

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INTERMEDIATE This learning experience gives children the opportunity to visit the exquisite countryside and village of Warter. The children sketch and paint in the style of David Hockney using various artistic materials. They get to sketch in the fields surrounding the village and then paint in a beautiful church, packed with history and charm. HEYCU COVER COSTS OF ARTIST TRANSPORT APPROX. £350 Hull/East Riding £550

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YWT Spurn Point


INTERMEDIATE This learning experience offers some incredible interactions with nature. The focus of this visit is delivering sessions outside of the classroom to help children learn more about wildlife conservation, their local environment, food growing and much more. Bookings made for East Riding schools only. Hull schools can book directly via [email protected]. Estimated cost - £9 per child (excluding Spurn Safari £10pp) + £445 coach

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