Colleges & Careers with Step Up Move On!

Last year’s Department for Education statistics showed that just 14% of care leavers under the age of 19 progress on to higher education.  Looked after children are over two times more likely to not be in education, employment or training at 16. 

Our experiences are so important for the young people to visualize themselves at college so we want to thank our local colleges for the opportunity they give us with their taster days

  • Year 8 to Wilberforce College

We had a tour of all of the different courses on offer with Sophie and a super STEM workshop making our own Wind Turbines with Steve.  Lunch in the canteen was a hit with our students too! 

In the afternoon we visited the Yorkshire Water Living with Water hub at the college where we learned all about floods and the environment.  We enjoyed some fascinating workshops with Lauren and discovered so many different career opportunities available.

  • Year 9 Visit to East Riding College, Beverley Campus

We had a super tour of the site with Lorna Beaumont and taster workshops in hairdressing and mechanics. The young people were very impressed with the variety of courses on offer. It certainly allowed them to visualise how further education works. One of the students said “I’ve heard about the courses at school but now I can really see myself being at college”. Objective achieved! What a great day!

  • Year 7 & Year 10 visited Bishop Burton College

The young people were so engaged with the activities and excited by the idea of going to college to study animals. We all learned so much about farming from Sally and animal welfare from Kenny and the young people thoroughly enjoyed the campus tour. The squirrel monkeys were definitely their favourites and all they talked about all the way home (closely followed by the raccoon dogs and cows/bulls).

In the afternoon we had STEM activities and learned so much about the difference courses offered at the college.